A hearing instrument specialist, or HIS, is someone who evaluates hearing problems and helps them to choose the best hearing aid to help their issues in a professional capacity. However, although this is the basis of what a hearing instrument specialist can do, it’s not the full extent of the help they can offer. Here are four ways a hearing instrument specialist can assist you. 

Evaluate hearing loss 

The first thing a hearing instrument specialist can help you with is your hearing loss in general. Or rather, they will be able to evaluate the true extent of your hearing loss and suggest treatment solutions for it, if possible. A hearing instrument specialist will carry out specific hearing tests that will show them just how much hearing loss the patient has, and this will help them with the next step; selecting the right hearing aids for the patient to use. 

Select hearing aids 

A hearing instrument specialist will be able to help you choose the right hearing aid for your needs. Being specialists in this area, they will know what questions to ask and what the answers their patients give should lead to. A HIS will select the most appropriate hearing aids for each patient and ensure they fit correctly. They will also be able to answer any questions you might have about the hearing instruments, and they will show those who need to wear them how to use them properly. 

When selecting the right hearing aid, a number of factors will need to be taken into account, including the age of the patient, what job they do, where they live, whether there is anyone at home to help them, and even what their hobbies are. Once all of this is taken into consideration, the right hearing aid can be chosen. 

Hearing rehabilitation 

A hearing instrument specialist will also be able to rehabilitate those who have hearing loss so that they can re-enter society once they have their new hearing aids. This can be a difficult time, especially if the hearing loss had been profound or chronic before the hearing aid was fitted. When a hearing instrument specialist is involved, the potentially overwhelming situation of using hearing aids and entering public spaces, or even being around the home, can be mitigated. 

Ongoing support 

Once a hearing instrument specialist has determined the extent of your hearing loss and worked out which type of hearing aid is going to be best for you, and once they have given you all the information you might need to feel confident in wearing your new hearing aids, that is not the end of their involvement. 

Hearing loss can change, and when it does, that means the hearing aid you currently wear will either need to be adjusted or switched entirely for a different type. Your hearing instrument specialist will be there to give you ongoing care and attention and to help you if and when your hearing loss does change. They will also be there to give you support and answer questions at any time you need them.