Hearing loss has become increasingly prevalent with age and it can be attributed to lifestyle, health and environmental factors. However, in order to know if you are experiencing hearing loss, it’s critical to be able to identify the most common symptoms. If you’ve noticed yourself asking others to repeat themselves or speak up, turning the volume up on the television or think sounds or speech have become muffled, it is time to visit a hearing care professional. 

Getting a hearing health professional to examine you removes uncertainties and gives you confidence in your walk and talk. Ignoring your hearing loss could have negative impacts on your quality of life, including:

Emotional effects

According to studies, leaving a mild hearing loss untreated could lead to adverse psychological and health effects. The inability to communicate accurately over time could build up frustration which leads to general emotional instability.

More specifically, you may experience irritability, constant fatigue and in some cases, depression. In light of this, maintaining your emotional stability comes as a top priority, considering it gives your life some structure and control. Treating your hearing loss could restore sound pathways and create a balanced emotional lifestyle.

Social isolation

Untreated hearing loss could lead to a strained work-life balance stemming from social anxiety and inefficient communication. Without a doubt, accessing services requires some form of communication. And as hearing loss becomes increasingly noticeable, withdrawal and reduced job performance becomes more evident.
Safety concerns

Another impact of untreated hearing loss is safety assurance. Advanced communication barriers caused by hearing loss could impede your ability to work around tasks. 

You ought to be more cautious when working around power tools and heavy machinery because audible alerts will be the first indicator in case of any mishap. With the ideal treatment in place, you can create a safe, productive environment for yourself and everyone around you. 

Treating hearing loss with hearing aids

Hearing aids are the most effective treatment option for any extent of hearing loss. They are primarily useful in enhancing sound comprehension and improving hearing quality.

Here are some of the recommended hearing aid options:

Behind the ear (BTE)

This design rests behind the ear with its hook over the top, providing a sturdy grip. A custom earmold fits inside the canal to conduct sound into your ear while preventing sound leakage. It is suited for people of all ages and features directional microphones with rechargeable batteries. Over time, this has stood out as standard hearing aid and has all the power you would ever need.

In the ear (ITE)

If you are experiencing mild-to-severe hearing loss, these devices would be a great solution as they fit comfortably inside the outer ear bowl. They come in a variety of shades and colors, including skin and hair tones and are easier to handle if you have dexterity issues.

In the canal (ITC)

Canal devices are generally small and sophisticated, and therefore mostly recommended for adults. They are designed to fit inside the ear canal, making them less visible compared to all other devices. 

With that in mind, you should be on the lookout for any signs and symptoms of hearing loss by consulting your hearing healthcare professional. Subsequently, it enables you to get the right hearing aids for proper communication and a happier lifestyle.