You know how uncomfortable it can be when you wear shoes one size too small or an uncomfortable piece of formal clothing. It's not only uncomfortable and painful; it has a major impact on your quality of life. Hearing devices are no different. They need to be fitted correctly. 

If you don't go to your audiologist to have your hearing aid fitted properly, you might end up wearing it in the wrong way. Since you need to wear it daily, you might get used to an ill-fitting device that could be far more comfortable and effective. 

Understand the battery 

Typically, there are two types of batteries for hearing devices. There are ordinary batteries that run down and need replacing and rechargeable ones that charge up at night when you aren't using the device. There are pros and cons to each style, but you still need to know how they operate and when to replace them. 

This is something you learn about when you have your hearing aid fitting. The audiologist will show you how the device works and what kind of battery it takes. They will show you how to remove the battery and replace or recharge it. Since hearing device batteries are small, this can be a delicate process.

Understand the maintenance 

More than other electronic devices, hearing aids require maintenance. This is because of where they are located – in the ear canal. Wax is actually produced by your ear to protect the canal from damage and infection. However, this wax can get on the earpiece and tubes, causing the hearing aid to underperform. 

When you go to an audiologist to have your hearing aid fitted, they will show you how to treat and maintain the device carefully. Cleaning your hearing device is a delicate process that must be carried out competently to protect it from damage. 

Understand the settings 

Today hearing devices have functions and smart technology that didn't exist even a few years ago. A hearing device can now eliminate background noise and automatically processes sounds, so it adapts naturally to different environments. But for this to work effectively, you need to know how to program the device and use its settings.

When you have your hearing aid fitted, your audiologist will show you the settings and optimize them for your personal requirements. Instead of browsing instructions or giving up and not getting the most out of your device, you will leave the office with confidence and know-how. 

Ask any questions 

Getting a new hearing device is a significant step; it is likely to change or adapt the way you think about yourself and your life. Naturally, you will have questions to ask about the device and your lifestyle. Before the appointment, write these questions down so you remember what to ask. 

One of the big advantages of having your hearing aid fitted is that your audiologist will give you plenty of time and opportunity to ask questions and get the answers you need. Use this opportunity to your advantage and ask the most pressing and relevant questions on your list.