Regular maintenance and repairs can help to extend the longevity of your hearing aids, ensuring they continue to function effectively. However, if you’re relatively new to wearing hearing aids or are encountering issues for the first time, it is important that you know what to expect when dealing with hearing aid repairs.

What Are the Signs That Hearing Aids Need Repairing?

There are many different warning signs that indicate that hearing aid repairs are necessary. This includes:

    • Sounds appearing too loud or too quiet.
    • Distorted or static noises.
    • Poor volume control.
    • Short battery life.

Water damage.

What to Do If Your Hearing Aids Need Repairing?

When you rely on your hearing aids to go about your daily life, issues or problems, however minor, can be concerning. However, it’s important that you remain calm. There’s plenty of support available that will ensure your hearing aids are working again in no time. If you notice your hearing aid isn’t working properly, schedule an appointment with your local hearing health professional. They will be able to figure out what is wrong and find the perfect solution for your hearing aids.

Troubleshoot the Issue

If you have noticed that your hearing aids are not working as effectively as they should be, you should begin by trying to find the cause of the issue. For example, some repairs, such as replacing damaged or corroded batteries, can be carried out by you, whereas others may need to be handled by your hearing health professional, like wear and tear on the tubing or wiring.

Clean Your Hearing Aids

Clean your hearing aids by using a clean, dry cloth can sometimes eliminate some of the issues mentioned above. For example, it may be that the issues are caused by a build-up of wax, dirt or bacteria, which can block the speakers, directional microphones and tubing, leading to sound quality and control issues. Talk with your hearing health professional about how to effectively clean your hearing aids.

Visit Your Hearing Health Professional

The best way to deal with hearing aid repairs is to visit your hearing health professional. After all, they will be able to run a quick diagnostic exam to get to the bottom of the issue. They can then carry out any necessary hearing aid repairs on your behalf so that you can begin to reap the full benefits of your hearing aids once again.

Unresolved repairs also mean that your hearing aid is not working correctly, which could interfere with your day-to-day activities. For example, you may find that you find it harder to communicate with others or follow the conversation, especially in noisy or crowded environments such as the workspace.

As such, no matter what issues you are facing, it’s important that you reach out to a hearing health professional. While you may have been able to identify the issue or cause yourself, they are in the best position to carry out the necessary repairs on your behalf.

Tags: benefits of hearing aids, hearing aid repair, hearing aid services