Whether the hearing loss you experience is temporary or permanent, it can be disconcerting. However, hearing loss is also very common in all age groups, and there are effective ways of handling hearing loss and improving someone’s quality of life. Hearing loss has always been a concern – especially in older age groups – but there is likely to be a future rise in the numbers.

Loud Devices

In the last few decades, the world has become increasingly digitized, and many more devices are being used every day. Devices like smartphones are extremely convenient and offer a wide range of functionality, but they can also cause noise-induced hearing loss if they are too loud.

Anything over 70 decibels can be considered harmful to the inner ear. This noise level is consistent with a washing machine, a dishwasher or a vacuum cleaner; it is also the same as a smartphone device listened to at a high volume. Always consider a device’s listening volume.

Noisy Environments

Noise-induced hearing loss is very common; it happens when consistent exposure to loud noises occurs, which damages the tiny hairs in the inner ear, called cilia. These tiny hairs are delicate and don’t grow back after they have gone, so your hearing needs to be protected.

Noisy environments are very common nowadays; whether it is traffic outside the office window, everyday devices like washing machines in the home or entertainment, the modern world is hazardous for the ears. That’s why hearing loss is expected to rise for all ages in the future.

Getting Older

Getting older is one of the most common causes of hearing loss. As we age, the cilia in the inner ear start to die off, causing high-frequency sounds to diminish. If you are over fifty and experience the loss of high-frequency sounds, it’s time to visit a hearing health professional for a check-up.

Don’t worry; hearing loss in this age group is very common as the ears have been active for decades. Noise-induced hearing loss might be one of the most common reasons for hearing loss in this group, but there are other factors. Talk to a hearing health professional about the best approach.


Medical conditions are common; therefore, hearing loss is also common. In some cases, hearing loss and medications have a direct correlation, but studies show it is not one that causes the other. Some medications affect the cochlea immediately, causing balance issues.

Some medical conditions cause hearing loss, such as ear diseases and head trauma; at other times, it is an ototoxic condition. Ototoxic medications are used for high blood pressure, diabetes and anti-inflammation, so if you are in one of these groups hearing loss is common.

Health Conditions

Hearing loss can be temporary or permanent; this is certainly the case, depending on the type of health condition you have. An ear infection or a change in air pressure when climbing or flying can cause temporary hearing loss, while certain infections and diseases cause permanent issues. Diseases such as meningitis, multiple sclerosis and genetic factors affect hearing loss.

Tags: hearing loss basics, hearing loss statistics